Pidyon Kaparot
It’s a deep-rooted tradition in our Jewish heritage to perform Pidyon Kaparot in the days leading up to Yom Kippur. Renowned as a potent segulah, this holy custom holds the promise of drawing down blessings for a year filled with spiritual elevation and physical abundance.
Now, you too can fulfill this mitzvah with just a few clicks. Engage in a sacred act that spans generations.
Tefillah During Kaparot:
Bnei adam yoshvei hoshech vetzalmavet asirei oni u’varzel
Yotzi’em mihoshech vetzalmavet umosroteihem yenatek
Evilim miderech pish’am ume’avonoteihem yit’anu
Kol ochel teta’ev nafsham veyagi’u ad sha’arei mavet
Vayiz’aku el Adonai batzar lahem mimetzukoteihem yoshi’em
Yishlach dvaro vayirap’em vayimalet mishchitutam
Yodu la’Adonai chasdo venifle’otav livnei adam
Im yesh alav mal’ach melitz echad mini elef l’ehagid le’adam yoshro
Vayechunenu vayomer pda’ehu miredet shachat matzati chofer
Ze Chalifati Ze Temurati Ze Kaparati Ze Hakesef Yelech Litzdakah Va'ani Elech Lechaim Tovim Arukim Uleshalom
Recite the above text three times.