Mishloach Manot Campaign
Chabad Alexanderplatz
Chabad Alexanderplatz is happy to help you fulfill the Mizwa of Mischloach Manot by giving you a package of Mischloach Manot.
In order to receive the Mischloach Manot, you must agree to give it to a friend on Purim Sunday 24.03 send us a picture of you giving the Mishloach Manot box.
1.Pick up your Mishloach Manot Box at Chabad Alexanderplatz -
Karl Liebknecht Str.34 after contacting us by WhatsApp +4917684304709.
2.We'll be happy to bring you the Mischloach Manot Packet for those booking until Thursday 14.03.
Delivery only in Mitte, Friedrichshain and Prenzlauer Berg.
After booking, we will contact you to let you know when we can bring the Mishloach Manot package to you.
Chabad Alexanderplatz is a branch of the Judische Gemeinde Chabad Berlin.
Mishloach Manot Box
The Mishloach Manot box includes 2 types of food.